Our lab is part of the MPI CBS and the Kavli Institute.
“Memory is at the heart of our personality”
Christian Doeller, Principal Investigator
Latest news
For press inquiries
Get in touch with the MPI CBS press officer Bettina Hennebach
+49 341-9940-148
Mind Meeting Seminar Series
We are excited to continue our Mind Meeting Seminar Series. This monthly event will feature presentations by excellent researchers from around the world who are working on fundamental issues in neuroscience and cognitive science.
The seminars will take place virtually or as hybrid meetings approximately once a month on Thursdays via Zoom (mostly 15:30 – 16:45, depending on time difference). The dates for 2023 are: 25 May, 15 June, 14 September, 19 October, 9 November.
You can subscribe to the Mind Meeting mailing list here:
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We are a group of dedicated brain scientists investigating memory and how we use it to understand the world around us