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Visual Grids in MEG

By Media, News, Research
Our new study is out in Current Biology. Staudigl et al. show grid-like modulation of human high frequency activity in non-invasive magnetoencephalographic and intracranial EEG recordings. The results indicate that the human entorhinal cortex codes visual space in a grid-like manner, supporting the view that grid-coding generalizes beyond environmental mapping during locomotion.

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New primer article on Alzheimer’s disease

By News, Research

Our new primer article on Alzheimer’s disease and potential new biomarkers is out now on Current Biology.

Humans differ from other primates through their superior intellectual and mental abilities. When a gradual and chronic loss of these cognitive functions leads to a loss of independent living, the individual is described as being demented. Such declining cognitive functions encompass all mental processes involved in acquiring knowledge and practical skills, including memory, language, reasoning and attention. Today, Alzheimer’s disease is the most prevalent neurodegenerative disorder, comprising approximately 60% of dementia cases. With steadily improving standards of living, people in developed regions of the world are living longer, and Alzheimer’s disease is associated strongly with old age. The number of cases of Alzheimer’s disease has been increasing steadily, and with today’s aging population, the number of people with dementia worldwide is expected to quadruple by 2050 unless effective treatment or prevention becomes available. In this Primer, we consider the symptoms, biological basis and potential biomarkers of Alzheimer’s disease.

Rolfseng Grøntvedt G, Navarro Schröder T, Botne Sando S, White L, Bråthen G, Doeller CF (2018). Current Biology

Silvy Collin awarded NWO Rubicon

By Grants, News, Research

Silvy Collin has been awarded the Rubicon grant by The Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research (NWO) to continue her scientific career at the Princeton Computational Neuroscience lab lead by Ken Norman. During her postdoc there she wants to investigate how the brain structures continuous, real-life experience with the use of computational modeling, neuroimaging and realistic episodic memory tasks. We wish Silvy all the best for her future!

Read more on the NWO website.

Memory snapshots: coordination of eye-movements and brain oscillations supports memory encoding

By Media, News, Research
We constantly move our eyes to sample visual information. In order to make the sampling efficient, these eye movements need to be coordinated with the intrinsic brain dynamics that constrain visual computations. Using intracranial EEG and MEG recordings, our new paper in PLOS Biology shows that eye movements are locked to the phase of alpha oscillations, and that this coordination supports mnemonic encoding of visual scenes.

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