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Mind Meeting 2020

By News, Research
We are excited to continue our Mind Meeting Seminar Series in 2020. This monthly event will feature presentations by excellent researchers from around the world who are working on fundamental issues in neuroscience and cognitive science.
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New paper out in eLife: Entorhinal cortex maps temporal relations of memories

By Media, News, Research
Often we remember very well the chronology of events. We can tell which event occurred first and how much time passed between two events. Apparently, memories of events in the brain are linked when they occurred close together. The entorhinal cortex seems to play an important role as the medial part of the temporal lobe.Using an experiment that combines learning in virtual reality and fMRI, our new paper – now out in eLife – describes how a temporal map of memories is created in the entorhinal cortex.

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+49 341-9940-148