New paper on using AI to decode eye movements from brain scans without an eye tracker is out in Nature Neuroscience:
On Thursday 4th November, 5 pm CET, Professor Itzhak Fried (University of California, USA) will give a talk entitled “Concept cells in the human medial temporal lobe”.
On Thursday 14th October, 3.30 pm CET, Professor Alison R. Preston (The University of Texas at Austin, USA) will give a talk entitled “Hippocampal-prefrontal hierarchical representations of experience guide generalization and inference”.
New paper on hierarchical concepts is out in Journal of Neuroscience:
On Thursday 9th September, 3.30 pm CET, Professor Nathaniel Daw (Princeton University, NJ, USA) will give a talk entitled “Thinking the right thoughts”.
An artificial neural network (AI) designed by researchers at University College London, the Kavli Institute for Systems Neuroscience in Trondheim, and the Max Planck Institute for Human Cognitive and Brain Sciences Leipzig is able to translate raw neural data, paving the way for new discoveries and a closer integration between technology and the brain.
On Thursday 24th June, 3.30 pm CET, Professor Matthew Rushworth (University of Oxford, UK) will give a talk entitled “Activation and disruption of a neural network for learning choice values and for making novel decisions”.
On Thursday 3rd June, 3.30 pm CET, Professor John Duncan (University of Cambridge, UK) will give a talk entitled “Integrated intelligence from distributed brain function”.
On Thursday 20th May, 11 am CET, Professor Christopher Summerfield (University of Oxford, UK) will give a talk entitled “Relational knowledge representation and assembly in humans and neural networks”.
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