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Nieuw artikel over de samenhang tussen schade aan de hippocampus en ruimtelijk geheugen

By 23 August 2015October 22nd, 2015Nieuws, Onderzoek

Neuer Artikel über Hippocampus und räumliches Gedächtnis

By 23 August 2015November 3rd, 2015Forschung, Neuigkeiten

New paper in The Journal of Neuroscience on hippocampal damage and spatial memory

By 23 August 2015October 22nd, 2015News, Research

Bilaterale atrofie (afsterving) van hippocampaal weefsel kan tot ernstige geheugenproblemen leiden in mensen. In deze studie hebben we ruimtelijk geheugen getest met virtual reality in twee patiëntgroepen met hippocampale lesies (gemiddeld/ernstig) en een controlegroep. De patiëntgroepen presteerden duidelijk slechter dan de controlegroep.

Voor meer informatie, zie:
Guderian S, Dzieciol A, Gadian D, Jentschke S, Doeller CF, Burgess N, Mishkin M, Vargha-Khadem F (2015). Hippocampal volume reduction in humans predicts impaired allocentric spatial memory in virtual-reality navigation. Journal of Neuroscience.

Abstract. The extent to which navigational spatial memory depends on hippocampal integrity in humans is not well documented. We investigated allocentric spatial recall using a virtual environment in a group of patients with severe hippocampal damage (SHD), a group of patients with ‘moderate’ hippocampal damage (MHD), and a normal control group. Through four learning blocks with feedback, participants learned the target locations of four different objects in a circular arena. Distal cues were present throughout the experiment to provide orientation. A circular boundary, as well as an intra-arena landmark provided spatial reference frames. During a subsequent test phase, recall of all four objects was tested with only the boundary or the landmark being present. Patients with SHD were impaired in both phases of this task. Across groups, performance on both types of spatial recall was highly correlated with memory quotient (MQ), but not with IQ, age, or sex. However, both measures of spatial recall separated experimental groups beyond what would be expected based on MQ, a widely used measure of general memory function. Boundary-based and landmark-based spatial recall were both strongly related to bilateral hippocampal volumes, but not to volumes of the thalamus, putamen, pallidum, nucleus accumbens, or caudate nucleus. The results show that boundary-based and landmark-based allocentric spatial recall are similarly impaired in patients with SHD, that both types of recall are impaired beyond that predicted by MQ, and that recall deficits are best explained by a reduction in bilateral hippocampal volumes.


Atrophie des menschlichen Hippocampus kann zu schweren Beeinträchtigungen des episodischen Gedächtnisses führen. Aus der Tierforschung ist weiterhin bekannt, dass der Hippocampus insbesondere für das allozentrische räumliche Gedächtnis zentral ist. Inwieweit räumliche Gedächtnisleistungen wie Navigation im Menschen einen intakten Hippocampus voraussetzen wurde bisher kaum erforscht. In dieser Studie nutzten wir virtuelle Realität, um das räumliche Gedächtnis von zwei Patientengruppen mit moderater/schwerer Schädigung des Hippocampus im Vergleich zu einer gesunden Kontrollgruppe zu untersuchen.
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In humans, bilateral hippocampal atrophy can lead to profound impairments in episodic memory. Across species, perhaps the most well established contribution of the hippocampus to memory is not to episodic memory generally but to allocentric spatial memory. However, the extent to which navigational spatial memory depends on hippocampal integrity in humans is not well documented. We investigated spatial recall using a virtual environment in two groups of patients with hippocampal damage (moderate/severe) and a normal control group.
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