The Department of Psychology is delighted to announce the next online talk of the Mind Meeting Seminar Series.
On Monday 12th December 2022, 3.30 pm CET, Professor Yael Niv (Princeton University, NJ, USA) will give a talk entitled “Latent causes, prediction errors, and the organization of memory”.
The talk will take place virtually via Zoom. Please contact us at if you are interested in taking part.
No two events are alike. But still, we learn, which means that we implicitly decide what events are similar enough that experience with one can inform us about what to do in another. We have suggested that this relies on parsing of incoming information into “clusters” according to inferred hidden (latent) causes. Moreover, we have suggested that unexpected information (that is, a prediction error) is key to this separation into clusters. In this talk, I will demonstrate these ideas through behavioral experiments showing evidence for clustering in animals and humans, and illustrating the effects of prediction errors on the organization of memory. I will then tie the different findings together into a hypothesis about how information about events is organized in our brain.